Lee headshot

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I am a geologist/petrologist/geochemist who investigates how our planet has evolved with time, from the deepest parts of the Earth's mantle to the continental crust and to the atmosphere. I combine field mapping and sampling with state of the art analytical tools (mass spectrometry, x-ray spectrometry, electron probe microanalysis) and simple analytical and numerical modeling. I have worked on continent formation and destruction, redox evolution of the Earth's interior, the origin of various ore deposits, the petrological structure of volcanic margins, and the origin of granites. I am now working on thegeochemical interactions between the deep Earth and oceans/atmospheres in order to better understand what controls long term climate evolution. More details on my research interests can be found on my Research and Publications pages.

Research Areas

petrology, continent formation and destruction, magma chamber processes, whole Earth carbon cycling


B.A. Geology (1996) University of California, Berkeley

Ph.D. Geochemistry (2001) Harvard University

Postdoc (2001-2002) Caltech


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