Armin Weinberg


Armin Weinberg is a Clinical Professor at Baylor College of Medicine (Medicine), Adjunct Professor at Rice University (Kinesiology & Human Performance) and Faculty Affiliate of the Texas A&M Center for Population Health and Aging (CPHA).

He began his career at Baylor College of Medicine in 1975 as Director of the Education Division of the first National Cardiovascular Research and Demonstration Center funded by NHLBI and from 1987 until 2011 headed the Chronic Disease Research Center. By broadening his work to include other chronic diseases including cancer he focused on translating discoveries in prevention, screening, and control activities to state and national initiatives exemplified by his role as the Co-founder of the Intercultural Cancer Council.

He was a founder of the International Consortium for Research on the Health Effects of Radiation, in response to the Chernobyl nuclear accident and has spearheaded international partnerships in the Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Russia, and Israel. Dr. Weinberg and the late William “Jack” Schull, Professor Emeritus of Human Genetics at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, collaborated to establish a new family of collections under the umbrella of “Radiation Effects and Events.” This new collecting area at the John P. McGovern Historical Center at The TMC Library, is building on the “Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission” collections and will encompass other areas where ionized radiation has affected our world.

As Principal Investigator of the Eliminating Disparities in Clinical Trials Project (EDICT), he led a research study designed to address the problems and find workable solutions to recruiting and retaining populations that are underrepresented in clinical trials. After retiring as a Full Professor at Baylor College of Medicine he served as the CEO of Life Beyond Cancer Foundation from 2011-2015 where he lead the development of MyHealthFinder ™ now housed at Texas A&M’s School of Public Health.

Examples of other research studies that Dr. Weinberg has been involved with as a Principal Investigator or Co-Principal Investigator are, “Gulf Coast Transdisciplinary Research Recover Center for Community Health”, “National DES Education Project”, “Low-Fat Diet and Prostate Cancer,” “Low-Fat Diet and Breast Cancer”, “Specialized Program of Research Excellence in Prostate Cancer”, “Cancer Genetics-Physician & Patient Issues Related to Inherited Cancers”,”Stability of Cholesterol Levels Over Time Among Children” and “Cardiovascular Family Risk is Modifiable: A Multiple Community Study”.

Dr. Weinberg currently serves as a board member of the Intercultural Cancer Council, Community of Practice (CoP) for Vulnerable Populations for National Center for Medical Education Development & Research,The Schull Institute Advisory Board, National Hispanic Life Sciences Society, Texas Life Science Foundation, member of the Comprehensive Cancer Control National Partnership, the Texas Medical Association Subcommittee on CME Accreditation and The TMC Library Archives Committee.

Journal editorial and review activities include Frontiers Public Health, Journal of Cancer Education, Cancer Management and Research, Journal of Medical Internet Research, PLOS ONE, American Journal of Preventive Medicine and the Patient Advisory Board, Patient Resource Cancer Guide. Dr. Weinberg also continues to serve on grant review committees including those for the National Institutes of Health and occasionally the California Breast Cancer Research Program.

He was a founding member of the board of C-Change: Collaborating to Conquer Cancer and inaugural recipient of The George & Barbara Bush Collaboration Award. Examples of other recognition include the Past board and leadership experience include The National Association of Social Worker Foundation, Life Beyond Cancer Foundation, Advisory Board of Molecular Health, USA, The Texas Hadassah Medical Research Foundation, Volunteer Houston, UTMB School of Allied Health Sciences Advisory Council, Cancer Support Community M.A.P. Project Advisory Council, Redes En Acción National Center Steering Committee and the Cancer Alliance of Texas.

Awards in recognition of his interest in and achieving impact in the community include the American Cancer Society – Humanitarian Award, the American Jewish Committee: Academicians Award, National Patient Advocate Foundation - National Health Care Hero Award, State of Israel Bonds: Maimonides Award, Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Research Foundation, Jill Ireland Award behalf of the ICC, Texas Cancer Council: Gib Lewis Award for Public Education, Texas School Health Association Distinguished Service Award and Volunteer Houston’s Lifetime Member Award.


Ph.D. Anatomy (1971) Ohio State University, Columbus


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