Anshumali Shrivastava

WEBSITE(S)| Research Site

Anshumali Shrivastava's research focuses on Large Scale Machine Learning, Scalable and Sustainable Deep Learning, Randomized Algorithms for Big-Data and Graph Mining.

Research Areas

Large scale machine learning, randomized algorithms for big data, graphs and social networks mining


PhD, Computer Science, Cornell University (2015)

MSc, Mathematics and Computing, Indian Institute of Technology (2008)

Teaching Areas

Probabilistic Algorithms and Data Structures

Graduate Seminar in Machine Learning

Probabilistic Algorithms and Data Structures

Graduate Seminar in Machine Learning

Large Scale Machine Learning

Graduate Seminar in Machine Learning

Large Scale Machine Learning

Graduate Seminar in Machine Learning

Honors & Awards

2023: Charles W. Duncan Jr. Achievement Award for Outstanding Faculty

2023: IIT Kharagpur, Young Alumni Achiever Award (YAAA)

2022: Outstanding Paper Award, MLSys

2021: Young Faculty Research Award, Rice University George R. Brown School of Engineering

2021: Adobe Data Science Research Awards

2019: National Academy of Engineers (NAE) US Frontiers of Engineering Alum

2018: ACM SIGMOD Most Reproducible Paper Award

2018: Science News 10 Scientist to Watch

2018: Best Student Paper Competition Award at IISA

2017: Amazon Research Awards

2017: AFOSR Young Investigator Award (YIP)


2014: NIPS Best Paper

2014: IEEE/ACM ASONAM Best Paper

2008: Institute Silver Medal, IIT Kharagpur


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