Jing Zhou, Deputy Dean of Academic Affairs, Mary Gibbs Jones Professor of Management and Psychology – Organizational Behavior
Jing Zhou

Deputy Dean of Academic Affairs, Mary Gibbs Jones Professor of Management and Psychology (Organizational Behavior)

Zoe Yangtianli
Yangtianli Zhou

Graduate Student
Doctor of Philosophy

Haolin Zhou headshot
Haolin Zhou

Graduate Student
Doctor of Philosophy

Zhou Zhou
Zhou Zhou

Graduate Student

Siyi Zhou

PhD Graduate Student, Stadler Research Group

Jingyi Zhou

Graduate Student

Hanyu Zhu
Hanyu Zhu

Assistant Professor, Materials Science and NanoEngineering
William Marsh Rice Chair

Yifan Zhu
Yifan Zhu

Postdoctoral Research Associate,
2024-25 Future Faculty Fellow

Luxi Zhu

MECE Student
Graduation: Spring 2024

Xiaoyu (Rosie) Zhu headshot
Xiaoyu Zhu

Graduate Student
Doctor of Philosophy

Chi Zhu

Graduate Student, Master of Statistics

Xincheng Zhu

Graduate Student

Wenxuan Zhuang
Wenxuan Zhuang

Graduate Student, Master of Statistics

Yongqi Zhuo

Graduate Student

Khadija Ziauddin
Khadija Ziauddin

Research Assistant

Evelyn Zimba headshot
Evelyn Zimba

Malawi Country Director, NEST360

Carissa Zimmerman
Carissa Zimmerman

Director, Center for Teaching Excellence
Associate Teaching Professor

Elise Zimmerman
Elise Zimmerman

Graduate Student


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