Cathryn Rodd Selman ‘78
Houston, TX
Brad Selsberg
Research Analyst
Selvalakshmi Selvaraj Anand
Graduate Student
Gihan Semine
Business Systems Analyst
Stephen Semmes
Noah Harding Professor of Mathematics
Juliane Sempionatto
Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Ruwan Senaratne
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Thomas Senftle
William Marsh Rice Trustee Associate Professor, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Christopher Senn
PhD Candidate
Joon Pyung Seo
Graduate Student, Applied Physics Program
Advisor: Dr. Jerzy Szablowski (BIOE)
Matriculation Year: 2019
Elizabeth (Ellie) Sepulveda
Graduate Student, Master of Statistics
Sandro Serpone
Graduate Student
MEML-SA: VP Social
Jessica Serrano
Program Administrator III, Dr. Halas & LANP
Yesenia Servellon
Director of HRIS
Ritika Sethi
Graduate Research Fellow
Chandan Setty
Postdoctoral Associate
John Seymour
Associate Professor of Neurosurgery, McGovern School of Medicine University of Texas Health
Adjunct Associate Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Rice University