Dr. Philip Singer is an Assistant Research Professor in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. He joined Rice University in 2015 as a research scientist in the Hirasaki group, then became a faculty member in 2021. He received his master’s degree in physics from the University of Oxford in 1997, and earned his doctorate in physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2003. He completed his postdoctoral research from the Université Paris-Sud in 2005, after which he worked for 10 years as a research scientist at Schlumberger.

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Research Areas
NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) in porous media, hydrogen geostorage, carbon dioxide utilization/geostorage, MD (molecular dynamics) simulations, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) contrast agents, and NMR in quantum materials.
2004-2005, Postdoc, Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Universite Paris-Sud
2003, PhD., Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1997, MPhys, Department of Physics, University of Oxford